Magica blueberry reaches the highest price for the Peru 2023 season.

Data from the industry released through Qeneto S.A.C, the Peruvian Customs and the Peruvian Customs, places OZblu(r) Magica in first spot for having the highest cost for 2023 with US$7.64/kg FOB. The second place, with 21,7% lower is Driscoll’s Arana variety, priced at US$6,28 /kg while in third is Fall Creek’s only club-exclusive selection Sekoya Pop, a further 6.4% cheaper at U$5,90 per kg.

In terms of overall farming level, Family Tree Farms came out on top in their Jumbo offering, but they did not provide a breakdown of their varietals.

“I I am extremely pleased by this outcome, both regarding the cost reached at the farm level however, I am equally pleased by the results we’re getting using OZblu Magica – in excess of 40 tonnes for a area! It isn’t just top in terms of prices, but with regard to the yield per hectare, you will see why growers are in love with it.” added Roger Horak, Executive Chairman and founder of United Exports, speaking from South Africa at the start of the 2023 OZblu Global Growers Conference that takes place every year.

“It requires many years of work, dedication and investments in R&D to provide the high-quality and reliability that our clients expect and pay for,” Horak said. Horak.

If asked about plans to grow the plantations, Horak responded, “We have spent the last five years defending our intellectual property and we will continue to defend our intellectual property. It is clear the reasons why some are willing to steal these kinds of plant-based IP. We’ll only partner through trusted partners that put high-quality – at the forefront. These results can only be attained through substantial expenditure and hard effort,” concludes Horak.

For further information, click here.

Chloe Middleton

United Exports


Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies