Kings River Packing becomes first in the industry to introduce the concept of traceability

Kings River Packing, an eighth generation citrus producer and distribution company along the in California’s Kings River, is the first company in the industry to implement traceability in accordance with the Food and Drug Administration’s FSMA 204 food traceability law. Fruits such as citrus were not included in the original Food Traceability List (FTL) which is why they are not included in the law. However, Kings River Packing is making use of ReposiTrak, a ReposiTrak Traceability Network(r) to facilitate rapid, efficient sharing of traceability data the wholesale and retail customers of its.

“The project to traceability provided us with an opportunity to exceed and meet our customer’s expectations as well as to prepare for the future requirements of regulatory authorities,” explained Brent Simon, Director of Food Safety for Kings River Packing. “Every procedure that we perform at Kings River Packing is performed in the strictest regard to consumer safety as well as the quality of our products. ReposiTrak makes it easy to communicate a vast set of information for each delivery.”

Kings River Packing is no one who isn’t open to new ideas. The company is operated and owned by descendants of the first citrus tree growers within Fresno County, the company has expanded its services to include cutting-edge harvesting techniques packaging, as well as international shipping capabilities. Apart from its home line of organic and premium orange products, Kings River Packing also cultivates and markets mandarins, Raspberries Oranges(r) and the heirloom navels, citrus and many more.

The Food and Drug Administration’s traceability law demands processors, manufacturers and others who pack or store FTL food items to create and keep Key Data Element (KDE) data for certain critical Tracking Events (CTEs). If a food item changes hands or alters form it is required that a set of data has to be exchanged across trading partners for complete, full-circle traceability. The world’s most extensive operating traceability and tracking network and ReposiTrak’s ReposiTrak solution permits the exchange and management of required FDA data among the food supply chain’s operators.

For more information: Michelle Alo

Kings River Packing

Tel. : +1 559-787-2056


Derek Hannum


Tel. : +1 435-645-2230


Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies