Queensland braces itself for a potential Tropical Cyclone

Queensland is under high alert for the possibility of a second tropical cyclone in the space of a month. The Bureau of Meteorology has issued warnings of a “significant possibility” that the tropical low could develop into a hurricane and hit the east coast as soon within the next week.

It’s been just more than a month from the time Tropical Cyclone Jasper affected the northern portion of the state. The storm caused massive rainfall as well as widespread flooding throughout the tropical. According to forecasts, an upcoming storm within the Coral Sea might intensify into an atropical cyclone before Monday.

The Bureau of Meteorology cautioned that the effects may have the potential to be “severe” for people living along the eastern coast. The hurricanes will grow stronger over the course of the weekend and may develop into a tropical cyclone on Monday.

“There is a high chance of this storm affecting the Queensland coast later on the next week onwards,” said the Bureau’s cyclone warning in a statement that “A serious impact could be possible.” Already, rain and clouds are beginning to move around 600 kilometers from the coast to the north of Queensland. But, there is some uncertainty in the course and severity of the possible cyclone.

Source: 9news.com.au

Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies