“An appealing design can lead to immediate recognition and pays the attention of”

Herbert Widmann Ltd has announced the launch of its new trade name ‘Hey Berry”. The globally operating specialist in berries will thus kick off the season of the German blueberry season by introducing the most striking marketing strategy. The idea behind the concept was to develop an environmentally sustainable brand that can meet demands of the consumer for high quality and ethical products, while also producing real value for the producers’, as the leadership of the Munich-based business affirms.

The group from Herbert Widmann Ltd at the previous Fruit Logistica. To the left is the CEO Hans Widmann.

Under the label of private is only family-owned farms with a small portion that run their operations in line with the principles of ecology. “Local production is often with other local producers in (price) the market with fruits in other nations of origin. But local farmers face substantially higher costs of production including minimum wage and higher operating costs resources, etc. In regions that do not have a strong sense of local identification, it’s impossible to get an increase in price for German fruit. Through this brand’s idea, we’ve compiled the key elements of an environmentally sustainable product. The packaging does not just avoid plastics, but most of the communications are conducted through the packaging. The reason is that the customer has direct access to information regarding the manufacturer via a “talking label’ that has a the QR code. This means that the brand directly addresses consumers: the brand or the manufacturer directly engage in a dialogue. Therefore, we provide a well-known benefit,” is the explanation of Andreas Kreuzmair, authorized signatory of Herbert Widmann.

The relatively low amount of water used for cultivation is a distinct feature of the producers’ processes. Additionally, the green power generated by PV systems is employed at the plant for packing.

The brand’s new look also addresses sustainability in packaging. Blueberries are placed in an FSC certified cardboard tray, which is then sealed with an cellulose net. All packaging materials are plastic-free and is disposed into the waste bin. Kreuzmair: “This is a truly unique selling point in the category of berries, and it reflects the premise behind ‘Hey Berry!’. The tray as well as the net have the appealing ‘Heyberry”! style, which helps to draw immediate interest.”

In the beginning, only German blueberries will be sold under the brand’s new label. Over time more regions and other items are expected to be included. The most important thing is that they are in line with the ethos that is “Hey Berry!”. At present, Widmann is presenting the brand to existing customers and has received positive reviews. Future marketing initiatives are currently being planned in close cooperation with their clients.

A good outlook for harvests to come

The indications for the upcoming the blueberry crop in Germany are positive in the opinion of Kreuzmair. “Due to the mild spring temperatures and the earlier start of the harvest is possible. But, at present, it’s far too early to provide an exact estimate of the quantities expected and what qualities.”

Images: Herbert Widmann GmbH

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Source: The Plantations International Agroforestry Group of Companies