In the face of a weak market, Tunisian Deglet Nour exporters pin their hopes on Ramadan

Even with a rise of 14% in the production rate over the same period last year, success of Tunisia’s Deglet Nour date export campaign remains to be judged. Many exporters informed FreshPlaza that their orders were low this year, and they hoped for a better market during the weeks leading up to Ramadan.

Mohamed Sadok, CEO of Carthagoexpo has told FreshPlaza: “Orders from foreign markets have been disappointing this season despite having adequate quantities and of excellent quality. We aren’t sure the reason, but we do have optimism for the coming year of 2024. It is the month that Ramadan will begin during March. the Ramadan-related demands are likely to begin flooding into.”

“Deglet Nour” is among the most popular date varieties worldwide, due to its taste and aesthetic characteristics, as well as the fact that it’s in the middle of the range which means it offers excellent price-for-money,” says Mr. Sadok. He continues “For the above motives, Deglet Nour dates are the most popular dates for export during the duration of Ramadan and are exported to North Africa and Europe. It is all it takes for the marketplace to come to be aware of or find what varieties are available to become a popular choice for consumers as is what happens in Morocco as well as in Western European countries with a significant North African diaspora, which represent our largest markets”.

Fortunately, the farmers have been able to remain above the water due to the an influx of buyers by the local Tunisian market during the entire season, as per Sadok. According to him “Local demand, especially in the southern region of Tunisia, is very high that can be explained by the outstanding quantity of this year’s crop.”

Prices have increased prices compared to the previous season, however Sadok isn’t convinced that this is an explanation for the decrease in market demand. Sadok explains: “Prices have risen very minimally compared to the previous season. Tunisian dates continue to be one of the most competitive in the European market, especially when you consider transportation costs. We are hoping that the erratic shortage of demand is over in Ramadan. Ramadan”.

More information is available here:

Mohamed Sadok


Tel. : +216 21 143 905
