Avocado supply is strong originates from Mexico

At present, the abundance of avocados are plentiful coming from Mexico which has two harvests in progress. “The off-bloom crop Flor Loca, continues to generate a significant amount of fruit and will continue until the end of autumn. The newest, on-bloom crop, Aventajada, which recently begun harvesting, is expanding supply, and is anticipated to continue to produce until the month of June 2024.” states Hector Soltero, VP of Sales Operations for Mission Produce.

Soltero claims that current sizes and quality are good for avocados. “The market is witnessing large numbers of grade one fruits and a high availability of every size. Mexican fruit is currently low in dry matter. It is also referred to as a low oil content that can lead to a more long shelf life,” he adds.

Comparatively to the previous year the duration and quality of the Mexican season is in line with the typical expectations for crop growth. While the initial sizing was somewhat smaller because of the torrential rains which impacted dry matter production, increasing rains and the growing conditions have improved during the course of the months following July, which has helped to increase the size of avocados.

Regions producing avocados

Although Mexico is at present the most important source of avocados, as that both California and Peru’s harvests have come to an end, Chile and Colombia are producing small quantities as well. Over the next week production, supply to the industry will likely to stay steady thanks to the high quality and balanced sizes.

“This season, retail stores will be able to benefit from the current demand and size curve by advertising avocados that are packaged,” says Soltero.

For demand, historically it’s slowest in the fall for avocados. “This season, retail stores will profit from the high growth curve in size as well as the availability by advertising avocados packaged in bags,” says Soltero, saying that fall-related eating times like football game days can be a great opportunity to promote campaigns and sell avocados cross-merchandising as a source of inspiration for cooking. However, as per Circana information, the demand for avocados is still robust and has been trending around 5 percent more than the year before as of September 2023.

For additional information, click here:

Jenna Aguilera

Mission Produce, Inc.

